Dienstag, 19. Februar 2008

Tallinn and first pictures

Nielsi ist eifersuechtig auf Petra Blog und will auch so was cooles haben... deswegen gibt er jetz immer seinen Senf dazu... Und damits einfacher wird und mir nicht der Kaese angedichtet wird den er schreibt...

Niels: blau
Petra: violett

Jugendherberge in Riga isch is Gegenteil von der in Tallinn... volle Puff, extrem viele junge Leit und der Besitzer isch an Australier :) Isch ollerdings auf koan Foll negativ...

Is Wetter isch schian, mir hoben desmol Internet im Hostel und sein olm no am Leben - trotz 3 Toge Osteuropa... uuuh... Stereotype fongen longsom un sich aufzuloesen (Unterschiede zu Westeuropa sein decht net so groass wia man gedenkt hot) oder wern bestaetigt (wos in Alkoholkonsum ungeat z.b.)

Genua gequatscht, jetz a poor Fotos:
Grod davor no gschnieben und jetz blendet die Sunn brutal... Wia witzig isch des Schild?? haha... so weit bringens die Sidtrioler in der Welt... sie wern Koenig von Tallinn ;) Vor der olten Stadtmauer: Aussichtspunkt:
Hostel in Tallinn: They tricked us it was actually 1beer for the price of 2. My smile did not last long..... I told Petra I was going to the end of it ..... but it was high... so I stopped (and it shook a little)
Niels Blog: (from now on Niels aka Nielsi) will 'feature' on the bottom of every Petra Blog. You may have seen me on the previous Tallinn (with two n's) Blog.
Kiwi flightless through Eastern Europe (as in on a bus)
Dear diary, its been 3 days since I last talked to you, I have now finished my last ever essay for university in my life. (About the Ugandan Governments conflict with Joseph Kony and the LRA) Tallin really was amazing and the contact with the local people in finding out about the Russian Occupation really is opening my eyes to these great innovative Baltic States and the troubles they have been through. (Oh my God I am still in INternational law essay mood ---help!!!!!) Anyway going out with the Petpet to celebrate tonight RIGA style!!!.... Mama, Heiti if you read this hello and enjoy the photo's.... yeaaaa my first blog...ooooo mama look out for my postcards (And Petra's neanderthal drawing) ANd as always .... Ka Pai...

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